హోమ్ | మైగవ్

ప్రాప్యత సాధనాలు
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మైగవ్ ఐడియా బాక్స్

మైగవ్ ఐడియా బాక్స్
ప్రారంభ తేదీ :
Jul 15, 2019
చివరి తేదీ :
Jul 30, 2023
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

పరిపాలన మరియు విధాన రూపకల్పనకు సంబంధించిన ఏదైనా అంశంపై మీ విలువైన ఆలోచనలు మరియు సూచనలను పంచుకునే బహిరంగ మరియు స్వేచ్ఛగా ప్రవహించే చర్చా వేదిక.

An open and free-flowing discussion forum where you can share your valuable ideas and suggestions on any subject of Governance and Policy-making, ideas which will help in building a New India. (This forum is meant for those themes and topics which are not a part of other discussions on MyGov and yet may hold importance for citizens)

Showing 109391 Submission(s)
SanjanaSatish 3 years 5 months ago

Respected PM sir, I would like to propose an idea to lessen garbage in the surroundings. It would be very helpful if recycling bins can be put in all streets separately for plastic and food waste. A proper waste
collection and it's recycling should also be done. Through this, people throwing garbage in heaps on the roadside can be avoided.

Dr SAMPATH DANIEL 3 years 5 months ago

How schools can cope up with the loss of an academic year due to the Pandemic 2021.


Ravi Venkatachelam Chitrapu
Ravi Venkatachelam Chitrapu 3 years 5 months ago

In view of the very rapidly rising covid cases, Can we please stop the Kumbh Mela immediately. Life is more important than religion now. Moreover, we can speak to the religious experts in this regard. As far as I know, Pushkar for a river occurs for one year and usually we celebrate the starting of this one year sojourn that Pushkar makes in that particular river. So we have a beginning & ending of pushkar or kumbh mela. So we can consult experts and celebrate the concluding part next year.

Padam Bhushan
Padam Bhushan 3 years 5 months ago

Last year's lockdown effect can be seen now after current cases ,at least 15 days lockdown with vaccination to eligible can reduce the cases

Divyam Bhatia
Divyam Bhatia 3 years 5 months ago

Educating the common man about the virus and steps to follow in home isolation can help greatly. For example I am a part of IT company and I have 3 family members. In my company we usually get upskilling courses and also get certified for the same. We can run a course educating employees from the experts. Now if anyone in my family is affected I have had an advice from the experts and hence I can manage the situation better, without pressurizing the medical system of the country

Divyam Bhatia
Divyam Bhatia 3 years 5 months ago

A lot of companies, are operating with work from home mechanism. These office spaces can be converted to temporary hospitals. Such campuses can become extremely crucial in providing immediate medical attention to serious patients. Also setting up a call centre will also help patients getting a conformation for bed availability. Lot of people lost their jobs, these people can be deployed to serve the patients. This way people will be employed and can sustain their families daily needs.

ajay kumar mishra 3 years 5 months ago

महोदय NACO के ब्लड बैंक के कर्मचारियों के DGHS में विलय का प्रस्ताव किया गया है. इस बात का संज्ञान अवश्य लीजिएगा कि NACO के अन्य कर्मचारियों के समान वेतन, वेतन वृद्धि, समान रहें अन्यथा उनके हितों के साथ कुठाराघात होगा जिनके पास पर्याप्त कार्यानुभव, प्रशिक्षण है जिनकी आवश्यकता एवम उपयोगिता सिद्ध है.उनके साथ किसी प्रकार की विसंगति आपके कल्याणकारी शासन की नीति के विपरीत होगी. या उन्हें NACO के अंतर्गत बने रहना चाहिए. केंद्रीय स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय का निर्णय तर्कपूर्ण, व्यवहारिक हो सम्यक हो.