Design a Logo & Craft a Tagline for Press Information Bureau

Design a Logo & Craft a Tagline for Press Information Bureau
Start Date :
Mar 16, 2015
Last Date :
May 01, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

About PIB: The Press Information Bureau (PIB), a media unit under the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, is the official voice of the Government of India. It is the nodal ...

About PIB: The Press Information Bureau (PIB), a media unit under the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, is the official voice of the Government of India. It is the nodal agency of theGovernment of India for disseminating information on the Government’s policies, programmes and initiatives.

What PIB does

PIB has two core functions:

• To act as an interface between the Government and the media
• To provide people’s feedback to Government on its policies and programmes

How PIB does it

PIB does the above by employing a variety of communication vehicles, namely, press releases, press notes, feature articles, backgrounders, photographs, videos, infographics, etc. All these products of PIB are available for the record on the Bureau’s website, PIB reaches out to people through social media as well: Twitter (@PIB_India), Facebook (@PIB.NationalMediaCentre) and YouTube (pibindia).

The information is disseminated in English, Hindi, Urdu and in other Indian languages as well. The Bureau thereby reaches out to about 8,400 newspapers and media organizations in different parts of the country.

In addition, PIB organizes Press Conferences, Press Briefings and Interviews of senior officials such as Ministers and Secretaries, to sensitize the media and the public on important policy initiatives of the Government.

The Bureau conducts Press Tours to successful project sites to enable media to have first-hand account of developmental activities going on in the country.

Besides, PIB conducts Public Information Campaigns to spread awareness among people at grassroots level so that they are sufficiently empowered to avail the benefits of Government schemes and programmes.

What we expect from you

You are required to design a logo and/or craft a tagline for PIB, as follows:

1. Design a logo for PIB

The logo should incorporate:

• An appropriate symbol/design
• Name of the organisation, namely, PIB

The logo should be submitted in JPEG/PNG/SVG format. The logo should be usable on our website/social media such as Twitter/Facebook and on printed material such as b/w press releases, stationery and signage.

2. Craft a tagline for PIB

The tag line should embody the role and vision of PIB.

The tagline should be submitted in MS Word/JPEG/PNG/SVG/PDF format.

Your creative inputs would enable the organization to better communicate itself to the world and thereby improve the effectiveness of Government policies and programmes.

The last date of submission is 30th April, 2015.

The best entry in each category will be awarded a cash prize as follows:

1. Selected design for Logo: Rs.15,000/-
2. Selected entry for Tagline: Rs.10,000/-

Please click here for more information on Terms and Conditions

Moderator for the contest

Dheep Joy Mampilly,
Assistant Director (PIB)
Email ID:

Under Review
Showing 1414 Submission(s)
Subhasish Mondal 9 years 4 months ago

Government and Media are are connected (circles connected) and the connection is mediated by Facebook, Twitter and Youtube.

Deependra Singh Naruka 9 years 4 months ago

"जन-सूचना सेतु "

जन-सूचना से आशय है की जनता की सूचना / जनता के लिए सूचना और सेतु यानी पुल।
जान सूचना सेतु का अर्थ हुआ जनता के लिए सूचना उपलब्ध कराने वाला पुल,
जिसका नाम है - प्रेस इनफार्मेशन ब्यूरो।

साथ ही अटैच्ड फाइल पी डी एफ फॉर्मेट में है।

TRIPATHI AMBESH 9 years 4 months ago

This logo shows the activeness of press and media from ancient age represented by letter to modern age shown by antenna

Ranganayaki Raja
Ranganayaki Raja 9 years 4 months ago

Logo Description: The Pen and the eye in the logo depict the purpose of the agency(to act as an interface between the Government and the media and to provide people’s feedback to Government on its policies and programmes) in a simple, straightforward manner. The pen and the eye together represent the "P", the eye is used to symbolically represent the "I" and the eyeball is used to represent the "B" in the word P.I.B.

Amit Srivastava 9 years 4 months ago

Logo & Tagline for Press Information Bureau
(a)टैगलाइन-सुशासन एवं जनता के बीच सशक्त जनसंचार सेतु
(b) सुशासन एवं जनता के बीच सशक्त जनसंचार सेतु
(c)“The Bridge for Information between Government and People through Media”
(d)“The Platform for Information between Government and People through Media”