Unnati Ki Kahani

Unnati Ki Kahani
Start Date :
Dec 06, 2016
Last Date :
Dec 20, 2016
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
View Result Submission Closed

The dream of a Digital India began in the year 2014 with our Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s far-reaching digital vision. ...

The dream of a Digital India began in the year 2014 with our Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s far-reaching digital vision.
PC adoption will play a crucial role in driving digitization by bridging the skill gap, enabling upward socio-economic mobility, and achieving universal digital literacy in the country.

Unnati Ki Kahaani contest is a program for celebrating the efforts of all those citizens who have leveraged PC (2 in 1, desktop or a laptop) for making a difference to the society and inspired many.

Submit your own Unnati Ki Kahani explaining how you have made a difference in your life or lives of around you by leveraging a PC. It can be a story about how someone has enabled others achieve their dreams, empowered them, contributed in driving digital literacy/ education/ awareness, etc.
The stories will be evaluated basis intensity of efforts, sustainability and impact made – number of people impacted, how they have been benefited, how sustainable are the efforts/ benefit, etc.

The selected winners will be recognized for their efforts and they will win Bluetooth speakers.

Options to Submit Your Story

o Login to https://www.mygov.in/

o Write your story (maximum 500 words)and upload a PDF or JPEG of your story in the comments section of MyGov task page.

o Shoot a short video (not more than 300 seconds or maximum 5 minutes), upload it on You Tube and submit the link in the comments section of MyGov task page.

The last day for entry submission is 20th December, 2016 and the winners will be announced on 26th December, 2016.

Click here for Terms and Conditions.

Under Review
Showing 10 Submission(s)
sujai g pillai 7 years 9 months ago

Im from a remote Kerala Village, have to walk 5 KM for school or Libraries. Internet has opened new avenues for our area in getting the right information at finger tips. Many of our Village people didn't have facility to use Internet so we started "One Library Per Village" www.olpv.org with mission of 'Each One-Reach One, Reach One- Teach One, until everyone learned'. We created SOLE- Self Organized Learning Environment where villagers divided into small group of 5 people for training